Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Call Me Anything

In an earlier post we discussed the harsh reality that feelings don't change facts. No matter how strongly one feels about a situation, a circumstance, a reality, or their identity feelings don't change the facts or alter the state of the evidence. Bruce Jenner can decide he feels like a woman trapped in a man's body. I can decide I am a member of the Pechanga Band of the Luiseno Indians, and feel a real kinship with them but that doesn't change who and what I am. I am a Caucasian, not a Native American. Feelings don't matter, and neither does photoshop, tons of make-up, and plastic surgery.

Bruce Jenner now appears on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine, in a painfully (and obviously) photoshopped picture. Weeks before he appeared with Diane Sawyer to announce his new gender reassignment, looking like the picture at the bottom of this page. Bruce may feel one way but it doesn't change a thing.

                               Bruce Feels he looks like this...

                              In reality Bruce looks like this...

No matter how strongly Bruce wants to look one way or feel another. He is what and who he is. Bruce Jenner is a 65-year-old man playing dress-up. Bruce Jenner is a man who is to be pitied and prayed for. We should not mock him or scorn him. Nor should anyone express hatred for him. We should feel sorry for him. He wants to be a woman. He is a man. Nothing can change the fact that he is a man. I might want to be an astronaut. I might start dressing and acting like an astronaut. I might even one day feel I'm an astronaut. But at the end of the day, such feelings don't matter because they are fantasy and don't change the facts. Bruce Jenner is a walking testimony of Jeremiah 17:9. Pray for him. Let's pray one day he comes to resemble and picture Romans 10:9-10. 

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