Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Charismaticism Reconsidered--Preface

Why am I writing this? I write because this is a problem question that will not go away. As a believer, as a pastor, issues and questions related to the popular charismatic movement(s) resurface again and again.

These issues encompass everything from parents denying children medication because of their great faith in God's purported desire to work a miracle if they have enough faith to people getting a fresh word from God regarding His will for their lives or the lives of others. Then there are seemingly lesser issues ranging from the understanding of "tongues" to "modern miracle workers" who receive fresh revelations from God which seemingly contradict Scripture. Sometimes the matter seems benign; sometimes the matter is not so benign.

Complicating matters more is the diversity of the charismatic movement. There is no one single leader or theology. Thus, it is difficult to discuss charismaticism. One must instead generally address charismaticisms.

There are already many fine works on the topic. The question invariably arises, "Then why add to the body of work that already exists?" The answer is simply: Love. I do so out of love for God, His church invisible, and the local church which He has loaned me for a season.

Ultimately, I write this as a pastor to the people I love. It is certain others have covered the topic better than I (and in a more gracious, winsome, and capable way). Nevertheless, I am compelled to combine the many letters and questions I have answered over the course of several years for the good of and edification of the people I love at Bethel Baptist Church, in Green Bay, as well as those whom I have ministered to previously.

PS: I will post again on or before July 8th!

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